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Showing posts from April, 2011

Trip to Cross Creek (aka Fayetteville, NC)

I am a huge fan of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.  Drums of Autumn and the books following it take place in Cross Creek, North Carolina where Jamie and Claire build a homestead, encounter Flora MacDonald and witness the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge.  My brother is stationed at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC which is present day Cross Creek and I was there visiting last week.  While I was visiting, we went to the Museum of the Cape Fear which hosts a pretty neat display about the Scottish Highlanders in Fayetteville as well as about Flora MacDonald and the beginning of the Revolutionary War in North Carolina.  We also drove past the site where Flora MacDonald College once stood (it has since been incorporated into another private college).  When I pointed out the sign, my brother asked "Who the heck is Flora MacDonald?!" and  I had a total nerd moment explaining who she was and how cool it was to see where some of my favorite books were set. ...

Kindle Library Lending

I just saw an article online that said that a Kindle owner will be able to check out library ebooks beginning later this year.  This is super exciting and a huge game-changer for me!  I have been researching ereaders for months now and finally settled on the Nook mainly because it supported epub files and thus I could check out library ebooks.  This was a really hard decision for me because I have never been a huge fan of Barnes and Noble (I was a Border's girl until they closed our local store) and have always loved Amazon.  Now I am going to have to go back to the store and play with them both to decide which one I like the best (I do really like the Nook's touch screen but I still love how easy Amazon is to use and their huge selection of free Kindle books is an a major attraction).  An ereader is definitely in my future but now I have to re-decide which one!