Synopsis: Two ancient tribes on the verge of making peace become foes once more when a double murder jeopardizes a storyteller’s mission Eighty centuries ago, in the frozen land that is now Alaska, a clubfooted male child had been left to die, when a woman named K’os rescued him. Twenty years later and no longer a child, Chakliux occupies the revered role as his tribe’s storyteller. In the neighboring village of the Near River people, where Chakliux will attempt to make peace by wedding the shaman’s daughter, a double murder occurs that sends him on a harsh, enthralling journey in search of the truth about the tragic losses his people have suffered, and into the arms of a woman he was never meant to love. Song of the River is the first book of the Storyteller Trilogy, which also includes Cry of the Wind and Call Down the Stars. My Thoughts: I have never read a work of historical fiction quite like Song of the River. It's set in 6000 BCE in Alaska which makes t...
Ramblings of a Self-Proclaimed Book Nerd