Synopsis: Distant Signs is an intimate portrait of two families spanning three generations amidst turbulent political change, behind and beyond the Berlin Wall. In 1960s East Germany, Margret, a professor’s daughter from the city, meets and marries Hans, from a small village in Thuringia. The couple struggle to contend with their different backgrounds, and the emotional scars they bear from childhood in the aftermath of war. As East German history gradually unravels, with collision of the personal and political, their two families’ hidden truths are quietly revealed. An exquisitely written novel with strongly etched characters that stay with you long after the book is finished and an authentic portrayal of family life behind the iron curtain based on personal experience of the author who is East German and was 16 years old at the fall of the Berlin Wall. Why do families repeat destructive patterns of behaviour across generations? Should the personal take precedence over...
Both your purchased books look like my kind of books, especially Bellagrand. I'm going to look it up. I love books with an Italian theme. Enjoy your new books and happy reading.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read Paullina Simons in forever so I'll have to check that one out. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI read The Towers of Tuscany sometime back. Loved it and hope you do too.
ReplyDeleteI'm still on my Christmas high of books! I'll be interested to read your thoughts on the Paullina Simons.
ReplyDeleteI think your purchased books look really good!
ReplyDeleteLooks like your getting off to a great start. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI just started following your blog and will look forward to reading your reviews.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I just started following you as well!
DeleteI tried reading one of Rice's vampire books years ago and it was too creepy for me. I hope you enjoy the one you just got.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading the new Anne Rice
ReplyDeleteLooks like some good books. I hope you had a wonderful holidays. If you have the time, would you please vote in my poll: to help me out with getting the word out and the votes so I can be ready to work on the Level Banners this month.
ReplyDeleteNice looking books! I haven't read an Anne Rice book for years, and I'm curious to hear what you think of Prince Lestat. Happy reading and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI've never actually read an Anne Rice book, but she's definitely an author I'd love to get into eventually.
ReplyDeleteNice Mailbox!!
ReplyDeleteLife Chaff In The Wind and The Towers of Tuscany are definitely catching my eye.
ENJOY, and happy first week of the year reading!!
Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday
I see you commented about The Rosie Effect on Bermudaonion's page.
ReplyDeleteI have a giveaway for The Rosie Effect and The Rosie Project on my blog. Stop by if you like.
Awesome! Thanks!